OSHA Revises NEP on Microwave Popcorn (Diacetyl / DAPORS)
This morning, OSHA issued a press release stating that it has revised the NEP onDiacetyl in Microwave Popcorn to include other flavorings...

Observations About OSHA’s New NEP on Microwave Popcorn (Diacetyl / DAPORS)
As I posted yesterday, OSHA has released a new (revived) National Emphasis Program on Microwave Popcorn (Diacetyl / DAPORS). This new NEP...

Initial Reaction to OSHA Expansion of Diacetyl / Food Flavoring Rulemaking (DAPORS)
Below are a number of quotes which were provided as part of an interview regarding the topic of OSHA Reguatory Agenda item: Food...

What OSHA Is Getting Right?
OSHA seems to be everyone’s favorite punching bag and the recipient of criticism over virtually everything that it does. If it issues a...