OSHA Publishes Proposed Rule for Beryllium
OSHA will be publishing its proposed rule on Beryllium in tomorrow's federal register. It's a whopping 1000 pages. If you want to see if...

OSHA to Publish Proposed Rule on Recordkeeping Obligations
OSHA will be publishing its proposed rule on 'Clarification of Employer’s Continuing Obligation to Make and Maintain an Accurate...
OSHA Sends Final Rule on Walking Working Surfaces to OMB for Review
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (#OSHA) has sent its new final rule for walking and working surfaces to OMB for final...
Why Does It Take So Long For OSHA To Finish A Rule?
An interesting read if you're interested in gaining a small glimpse into the rulemaking process. The rulemaking process for OSHA really...

OSHA Update Newsletter - Prometrix Safety Consulting Feb 2012
Department of Labor Releases the Semiannual Unified Regulatory Agenda for Fall 2011 OSHA’s new Regulatory Agenda for Fall 2011 was...

OSHA Launches National Survey for I2P2 Rulemaking
Hot off the presses. Below is today’s press release from OSHA announcing a national survey to collect data which will be analyzed as...

OSHA's Regulatory Agenda Coming Next Week
Well, it’s looking like the OSHA Regulatory Agenda (Fall) will be published early next week – most likely on Monday 12/20 (my guess). I...

OSHA's Cooperative Agreements – Proposed Rule Comments
The following was submitted as part of the record for the rulemaking on Cooperative Agreements. The comment period closed on 11/2/2010....