NIOSH Releases New Guidance on Diacetyl / DAPORS
NIOSH releases new guidance on Diacetyl (And Possibly Other Related Substances - DAPORS). This is an issue that first came to light...

OSHA Issues Guidance Memo on PSM Retail Exemption
OSHA releases yet another PSM enforcement memo related to process safety management (psm 29 CFR 1910.119). This one redefining what the...
CSB Nominees - Confirmation Process
Senate held its confirmation hearing for Kristen Kulinowski yesterday as part of her nomination process for the CSB. Update: Kulinowski...
OSHA Issues Temporary Enforcement Guidance for Confined Space in Construction
OSHA issues temporary enforcement policy regarding the new standard for Confined Spaces in Construction. The Agency is extending the...

Insightful Article About OSHA and Search Warrants
Worth reading!!! Employer, Safety Consultants Fined for Refusing OSHA Inspection What are your rights for refusing OSHA entry? A...

New OSHA PSA Video Focuses on Young Worker Safety
Link to the PSA video. Washington – OSHA has released a video emphasizing that young workers have the right to a safe workplace. The...
OSHA Sends Final Rule on Walking Working Surfaces to OMB for Review
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (#OSHA) has sent its new final rule for walking and working surfaces to OMB for final...

CareerSafeOnline (Youth Safety) - Classroom Highlight for June 2015
If you're not familiar with CareerSafeOnline, they focus on providing young workers / students with #OSHA 10hr training and...
More Dysfunction at the Chemical Safety Board (CSB)
More dysfunction out of the CSB (chemical safety board). Now it turns out that the acting general counsel (deputy), who is filling in...

OSHA is Turning its Enfrocement Attention to the Healthcare Industry
OSHA is turning its enforcement attention to hospitals and nursing homes where they will be looking at ergonomics, bloodborne pathogens,...